2024-01-10 『2024第15屆亞太醫學檢驗科學國際研討會』開放報名至3月15日止,請會員把握機會踴躍參與!   2023-07-01 會員如有權益相關問題及對本會有任何建議或意見回饋,歡迎利用電子信箱或致電本會,謝謝您!!   2015-02-02 醫事檢驗師宣誓誓詞,誓詞內容請至文件下載區查閱,並請協助推廣,謝謝!  


歷 年 稿 件 內 容
*類別: A組-鏡檢、血液、血庫
* 姓名: 王怡梅
投稿種類: 壁報
*中文投稿標題: 探討健康成人其血中血小板數和睡眠時間與踝臂指數之間的關係
*中文作者姓名列: 王怡梅1、林雅婷2、李伊雯2、李佩紋2、陳宏達3
*中文服務單位: 台大醫學院附設醫院雲林分院神經部1,台大醫學院附設醫院雲林分院門診部2,新北市立聯合醫院 臨床病理科3
*英文投稿標題: Platelet count and sleep duration are related with Ankle Brachial Index in healthy adults
*英文作者姓名列: Wang Yi-Mei1; Lin Ya-Ting2; Li Yi-Wen2; Li Pei-Wen2; Chen Hung-Ta3
*英文服務單位: Department of Neurology, National Taiwan University Hospital, Yun-Lin Branch1,Department of Outpatient, National Taiwan University Hospital, Yun-Lin Branch2,Department of Clinical Pathology, New Taipei City Hospital3
* 投稿摘要: Background: Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is an important manifestation of systemic atherosclerosis. PAD is associated with an increase risk of cardiovascular mortality and morbidity. Noninvasive measurement of Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) is an simple, safe, and reproducible method for assessing the PAD. Objective: The ABI was reported to be a good marker for atherosclerosis and useful in the diagnosis of PAD. The patient is diagnosed with PAD when the ABI is ≤ 0.90. We aim to investigate the association between cardiovascular risk factors and ABI in individuals without cardiovascular disease (CVD) and PAD. Methods: A total of 88 subjects (33 men and 55 women, age 35-75 years) who had no apparent history of CVD and PAD were enrolled consecutively in this study. After an accurate clinical examination, and a biochemical evaluation, the enrolled subjects underwent ABI-form device (VP1000, Colin, Komaki, Japan) to assess ABI. Results: The mean age of subjects was 58.1±9.6 years. The mean ABI value was 1.1±0.05. Univariate linear analysis showed a significant negative correlations with platelet count and folic acid, and positive correlations with diastolic blood pressure (DBP), alcohol drinking, red blood cell count (RBC), hematocrit (Hct), creatinine (cre), homocysteine (Hcy), and sleep duration. Multivariate analysis revealed a significant correlation of ABI with platelet count and sleep duration. Conclusions: High platelet count and short sleep duration are independently associated with lower ABI value in individuals without CVD. Our data suggest that high platelet count and short sleep duration correlate with early atherosclerotic changes in a population with very low cardiovascular risk.
*關鍵字1 : atherosclerosis
*關鍵字2 : peripheral arterial disease
*關鍵字3 : ankle brachial index
*關鍵字4 : platelet count
*關鍵字5 : sleep duration
* 服務機關:
* 第一作者: 王怡梅
* 身分字號: *****86522
審查委員意見: 無意見
審查委員意見: 沒意見