2024-01-10 『2024第15屆亞太醫學檢驗科學國際研討會』開放報名至3月15日止,請會員把握機會踴躍參與!   2023-07-01 會員如有權益相關問題及對本會有任何建議或意見回饋,歡迎利用電子信箱或致電本會,謝謝您!!   2015-02-02 醫事檢驗師宣誓誓詞,誓詞內容請至文件下載區查閱,並請協助推廣,謝謝!  


歷 年 稿 件 內 容
*類別: E組-實驗室管理
* 姓名: 徐慧貞
投稿種類: 壁報
*中文投稿標題: 實驗室甲醛逸散致癌風險評估
*中文作者姓名列: 徐慧貞1, 2、王薇雯3、蔡佩芳4、章門煌*5
*中文服務單位: 台大醫院檢驗醫學部1 , 台灣大學公共衛生學院健康管理與政策研究所2,臺北市立聯合醫院忠孝院區3,臺北市立聯合醫院中興院區4,慧智醫事檢驗所5
*英文投稿標題: Carcinogenic Risk Assessment of Formaldehyde Emission in Laboratory
*英文作者姓名列: Sandy Huey-Jen Hsu1, 2, Wei-Wen Wang3, Pei-Fang Tsai4, Men-Hwang Jang*5
*英文服務單位: Department of Laboratory Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital1,Institute of Health Policy and Management, National Taiwan University College of Public Health2,Zhongxiao Branch, Taipei City Hospital3, Zhongxing Branch, Taipei City Hospital4,Sofiva Genomics Medical Laboratory5
* 投稿摘要: Background The contamination of reagents, solvents, and chemical material used in laboratory is the main cause of indoor air pollution in the clinical laboratory. Formaldehyde is a colorless, irritant, volatile organic compound leading to chronic hazards which has been classified as the Group I carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). The standard method of stool parasite analysis for foreign laborer health examination is merthiolate-iodine-formaldehyde (MIF, containing 5% formaldehyde) concentration method may contribute to carcinogenic hazard. Aim The aim of this study is to evaluate the potential carcinogenic risk of formaldehyde in clinical medical laboratory. Methods The subjects were obtained from foreign laborers participating in health examination at Taipei City Hospital. Stool specimens of 250 foreign laborers were examined for intestinal parasites. Stool specimens were microscopically examined after staining by MIF method. All stool samples were collected by two devices, the Siloam Feces Collection Device (SFCD) and Chang’s Feces Examination Apparatus (CFEA), to compare the formaldehyde emission concentration characteristics. Results The average waste amount of CFEA and SFCD were 34.38 gram and 15.13 gram, respectively. The average formaldehyde emission concentration one hour per tube of CFEA and SFCD were 0.00153 ppm and 0.000123 ppm, respectively. According to the exposure-assessment formula and risk-assessment formula, the cancer risk modified calculation results of CFEA and SFCD were 8.7x10-6 and 7.0x10-7, respectively. Conclusion The acceptable carcinogenic risk of health risk-assessment technical norms promulgated by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) is between 10-6~10-4. To prevent the potential cancer risk, we suggest that suitable sample collection containers and safety chemical hood should be chosen carefully to avoid the risk of high formaldehyde emission concentration.
*關鍵字1 : 甲醛
*關鍵字2 : 空氣污染
*關鍵字3 : 致癌風險
*關鍵字4 : 寄生蟲
*關鍵字5 : MIF濃縮集卵法
* 服務機關:
* 第一作者: 徐慧貞
* 身分字號: *****66849
其他投稿作者: 王薇雯
其他投稿作者: 蔡佩芳
審查委員意見: 同意
審查委員意見: 同意刊登